Northshore Fire Department

Request for Proposal: Facility Condition Assessment and Capital Funding Plan

Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be accepted by the Northshore Fire Department (NSFD) for a Facility Condition Assessment and Capital Funding Plan. Sealed proposals will be accepted at the District Headquarters located at 7220 NE 181st Street, Kenmore WA 98028 up until: Date: June…

Northshore Fire Department engines within garage

Notice of Prop 1 Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that pursuant to RCW 52.18.060(1) the Board of Fire Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 is holding a public hearing regarding King County Fire Protection District No. 16 Proposition 1, the proposition is seeking voter authorization to continue the…

Northshore Fire Station

Northshore Fire Appoints New Commissioner

The Northshore Fire Department has appointed a new member to its Board of Fire Commissioners.  Kenmore resident, Suzanne Greathouse, was selected to fill the vacant Position No. 2 at the December 4th meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners.

Northshore Fire Department station 51

The Northshore Fire Department, serving the cities of Lake Forest Park and Kenmore, has a vacancy in Commissioner Position #2. Additionally, Commissioner Position #4 is anticipated to be vacated in January of 2019. The vacancies will be filled by appointment with terms lasting through the end of…

Fire fighters posing in front of engines

In conjunction with the special election to be held on February 12, 2019, King County Fire Protection District No. 16 will be submitting to the voters of the Fire District a proposition that would re-authorize the use of the fire benefit charge method of financing pursuant to Chapter 52.18 RCW. As…

Northshore Fire Department inside garage

Notice of 2019 Budget Hearing

To all residents and owners of personal property and improvements to real property located within the geographical boundaries of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 (City of Lake Forest Park, and the City of Kenmore); NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire…

Notice of Intent to Award - Air Compressor

On December 20, 2018, the District advertised a request for sealed bids for the following: One (1) 10 HP SCBA Compressor, One (1) Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Fill Station and Four (4) ASME Storage Cylinders. The opportunity to submit a bid closed at 5:00 PM on January 16th. Three bids were…

Advertisement for Bid - Air Compressor

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted by King County Fire Protection District No. 16 (AKA the Northshore Fire Department) for: One (1) 10 HP SCBA Compressor, One (1) Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Fill Station and Four (4) ASME Storage Cylinders. Bids will be accepted at the…

Northshore Fire Station

Notice of 2018 Budget Hearing

To all residents and owners of personal property and improvements to real property located within the geographical boundaries of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 (City of Lake Forest Park, and the City of Kenmore); NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire…

Northshore Fire Department Public Meeting Room

Fire Commissioner Election Filing Period Opening Soon

Interested in becoming a Fire Commissioner? The filing period for King County Fire Protection District No. 16, Position 1 is May 15-19, 2017.  Click here for more information.