Northshore Fire Department Public Meeting Room

Announcement of Fire Commissioner Vacancy and Request for Applications

The Northshore Fire Department, serving the cities of Lake Forest Park and Kenmore, has a vacancy in Commissioner Position #2. The vacancy will be filled by appointment with term lasting through certification of the November 2019 General Election. The position is scheduled for election in the…

Northshore Fire Department Public Meeting Room

Notice of Special Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 16, will be held at the headquarters station located at 7220 NE 181st Street, Kenmore WA 98028, on Wednesday, the 11th day of September 2019, at 5:00PM. Meeting agenda to follow…

9-11 Memorial Flowers

9/11 Memorial at Northshore Fire

Wednesday, September 11th will mark the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings.  Northshore Fire Department has a 9/11 Memorial honoring the nearly 3,000 civilian and 343 firefighter fatalities, located in the lobby of our headquarters station in…

Communication Regarding Partnership Between Northshore, Shoreline & Woodinville Fire Departments

Consolidation among area fire departments has been accelerating over the last decade and offers the promise of cost savings and performance improvements. During 2015 and 2016 Northshore Fire, Bothell Fire, and Woodinville Fire & Rescue explored consolidation but were unable to gain a consensus…

Northshore Fire Department Public Meeting Room

Announcement of Fire Commissioner Vacancy and Request for Applications

Application deadline and Interview Schedule updated August 21, 2019. Term of service corrected August 23, 2019. The Northshore Fire Department, serving the cities of Lake Forest Park and Kenmore, has a vacancy in Commissioner Position #4. The vacancy will be filled by appointment with term lasting…

King County Fire Protection District No. 16 (Northshore Fire Department) is in the process of issuing Unlimited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds to refinance the 2009 Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (which were issued for constructing and equipping the headquarters Fire Station 51) for…

Northshore Fire Department

Request for Proposal: Facility Condition Assessment and Capital Funding Plan

Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be accepted by the Northshore Fire Department (NSFD) for a Facility Condition Assessment and Capital Funding Plan. Sealed proposals will be accepted at the District Headquarters located at 7220 NE 181st Street, Kenmore WA 98028 up until: Date: June…

Northshore Fire engine at training center

Northshore Fire Receives 'AAA' Bond Rating

We are very pleased to announce that S&P Global Ratings raised Northshore Fire Department’s long-term bond rating to ‘AAA’ from ‘AA+’.

Northshore Firefighter carrying hose on shoulder

2018 Annual Report

Northshore Fire is excited to share our 2018 Annual Report, highlighting events and accomplishments of the last year. Click below to meet our newest hires, learn about our latest equipment upgrades, and see some of the things we do when we're not fighting fires!