Announcement of Fire Commissioner Vacancy and Request for Applications
Application deadline and Interview Schedule updated August 21, 2019. Term of service corrected August 23, 2019. The Northshore Fire Department, serving the cities of Lake Forest Park and Kenmore, has a vacancy in Commissioner Position #4. The vacancy will be filled by appointment with term lasting…
Notice of Prop 1 Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that pursuant to RCW 52.18.060(1) the Board of Fire Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 is holding a public hearing regarding King County Fire Protection District No. 16 Proposition 1, the proposition is seeking voter authorization to continue the…
Notice of Intent to Award - Air Compressor
On December 20, 2018, the District advertised a request for sealed bids for the following: One (1) 10 HP SCBA Compressor, One (1) Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Fill Station and Four (4) ASME Storage Cylinders. The opportunity to submit a bid closed at 5:00 PM on January 16th. Three bids were…