Safe Kids Injury Prevention Topics

Injury areas we address in King County:

Sleep Safety Tips for Babies

The American Academy of Pediatrics and Safe Kids Worldwide offer the following recommendations for safe infant sleep:

  • Share your room for the first six months with your baby, but not in your bed. Room-sharing is a safer option than having your baby sleep in bed with you.
  • Always place baby on their back to sleep for naps and at nighttime.
  • Babies should always sleep in their own crib, free of blankets, bumpers, pillows, toys and bottles.
  • Dress baby in a wearable blanket or onesie.
  • Choose a firm crib mattress and fitted sheet.
  • Use a crib that meets CPSC standards. Follow instructions to assemble your crib.

Learn more about Safe Sleep:

Take a Safe Sleep Class (provided by Start Safe NW):