KCFCA Diversity & Recruitment Workshop
May 10, 2025, 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Green River College, (Mel Lindbloom Student Union Building)
12401 SE 320th St, Auburn, WA 98092, USA
in the KCFCA Diversity & Recruitment Workshop, hosted by Valley Regional Fire Authority, to learn everything you need to know about starting and maintaining a rewarding career in Fire, EMS, and other first response or public health opportunities. This event is completely FREE and designed to help potential candidates be successful in the pre-hiring, hiring, training, and career segments of their professional journey.
Register today!: https://www.kingcountyfirechiefs.org/event-details/recruitmentworkshop
The classes covered in this workshop include:
- Firefighter written exam preparation
- Oral board interview preparation
- Wellness and fitness requirements and preparation
- Psych and background check expectations and preparation
- A Day in the Life of a first responder
- Networking with firefighters
Breakfast and lunch are generously sponsored by King County EMS. There will be numerous opportunities to meet one-on-one with agencies from across the region throughout the event, including fire service agencies, EMS agencies, 911 communication agencies, and public health agencies.
There will be firefighters or staff from every agency participating in the event, from all backgrounds and levels of their organization, who are looking to connect with participants to provide ongoing mentorship throughout the hiring process and beyond. This event is especially welcoming of underserved persons in our industry, and those with little to no experience in or around the fire service. We want you to know that you have a place in the fire service, and our agencies want to help you succeed!
So, be sure to seize this opportunity to jump-start a very rewarding career and be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to make connections with fire service leaders from around the region.