Shoreline Disaster Preparedness Class

The Shoreline Fire Department is committed to the safety of and well-being of our communities, and as first responders, we know firsthand the importance of disaster preparedness. While we proudly offer emergency services under normal circumstances, it is crucial to address the possibility of overwhelming 911 resources during a natural disaster.

To proactively empower our citizens, we invite you to attend a free Disaster Preparedness Class. This informative session aims to equip you with the necessary information and skills to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours following a disaster.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Station 61
17525 Aurora Ave N.
Shoreline, WA 98133

Learn more about:

  • How 911 operates
  • Resources mobilized when you call 911
  • Challenges of exceeding resources
  • Essential supplies you should have on hand
  • Safely shutting off gas in case of a leak
  • Turning off water on your property in case of a leak
  • Shutting off electricity or resetting breakers when needed
  • Fire extinguisher operation
  • Tips for joining the community response team

The class will be conducted by Andrew Leith who brings 23 years of experience at Shoreline Fire. Captain Leith is a member of the Washington State FEMA Task Force 1, Wildland Team, Technical Rescue team, Rescue Swimmer, and is assigned to the North and Heavy Rescue crew.

Register using the secure form below, or on Facebook or email Michelle Pidduck at

Disaster Preparedness Class Feb 12

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